Top Music Summer Camps and Summer Music Programs for Kids & Teens in Alabama

Best Alabama Music Camps Summer 2025 Directory

Find the Best Music Camps in Alabama!

Over 11 Alabama Music Summer Camps Listed Below with In-Depth Camp Info, including: Videos, Photos, Maps & Detailed Descriptions

Best Alabama Music Camps in 2025
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Winter Music Camps, Programs, Workshops, & Classes in Alabama are Starting in February, 2025

Many of our Alabama Music Camps offer Winter Music Programs, Activities, Workshops & Classes starting in February, 2025.

Be sure to check the "Year-Round Programs and Other Camp Info" headings of each camp listing for specifics, or give any Music Camp you're interested in a call to check on Winter dates, times and availability.

Winter 2025 Music Camp Open Houses & Reunions

Many of our Music Camps will be hosting Winter Reunions for their previous campers, and Winter Open Houses for interested new campers and families. Each camp is different, and some offer activities for the entire family.

Contact the camp(s) directly to see if there are any Camp Reunion or Open House Plans for February, 2025.

Best Alabama Winter Music Day Camps Starting in February, 2025

Looking for a Great Alabama Music Day Camp? Look at each camp's TYPE OF CAMP description. Many of our Best Alabama Day Music Camps also list their exact hours, and if they offer before and after camp activities.

Best Alabama Year-Round
Music Camps, Classes & Music Programs

Many of our Best Alabama Summer Music Camps also offer Year Round Music Camp Programs, Classes, and Activities. You should contact the camps you are interested in to see if they offer Fall, Winter and/or Spring Music Programs, too.

Best Alabama Winter Music Camp Jobs

Searching for Alabama Music Camp Jobs? Many of our Best Music Camps are now listing their 2025 Winter Camp Jobs, too. Look for the heading "Summer Camp Jobs" in each camp listing. You can also check any camp's website for their "Work at Camp" or "Winter Employment Opportunities" pages.

View ALL AL Camps with Winter Work & Leadership Training Opportunities.

Some of the Best Music Camps in the South are here in Alabama.

Alabama Music Camp Shirts, Posters, and Gear Available Through Our Website.

Spirit Camp
Jacksonville, Alabama

Visit Our Spirit Camp Website

Jacksonville State University
700 Pelham Road
Jacksonville, Alabama 36265

Spirit Camp
Lynda Martin
3260 Mary Drive
Marietta, GA 30066
Fax 770-578-4408

Cell 678-480-6580 (Lynda)

Cell 678-923-4478 (Freddy)

Watch Our Spirit Camp Video

CAMPER AGES: 14 - 19 (High School Marching Band)

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. June 7-11, 2022

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Excellent classes in-person for Band Directors, Drum Majors, Leadership Brass and Woodwinds, Percussion, Color Guard and Guard Instructors. >Become a valuable member for your director. Learn Fundamentals of Leadership. Run Section Rehearsals. How To Teach Marching. How To Teach Drill. Conducting.

Music/Band, and more. Nightly Activities Include Swimming & Rock Wall Climbing.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located on the beautiful campus of Jacksonville State University in Jacksonville, AL.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Training for all Marching Band Leadership.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Contact Lynda Martin for information at 770-578-6268

June 7-11, 2022

$420 includes camp, housing, all meals and activities.

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Spirit Camp

There are 11 Top Alabama Music Camps Below

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Alabama Music Camps

Be sure to ask each Alabama Music Camp about the amount of music instruction and the overall intensity of their music program.

Some Top Alabama Music Camps offer rigorous daily music training and lots of intensive music experience. Other great Alabama Camps offer music as an elective or recreational activity with much less training and intensity.

View ONLY Alabama Music Day Camps?

Would you like to see a List of Top Alabama Music Day Camps Only, Organized by City?

We will re-sort this list and show you only Music Day Camps, organized alphabetically by city.

Music Creators Academy
Online Camp

Visit Our Music Creators Academy Website

3805 S. Valmore Avenue
Bloomington, IN 47403


TYPE OF CAMP: Online. Weekdays 11 AM–12 PM and 2–4 PM EDT

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Join fellow middle- and high-school music students in making new music for virtual ensembles mentored by renowned com- posers, including Brian Balmages, Steven Bryant, Viet Cuong, Tyler Grant, Garrett Hope, Cait Nishimura, Benjamin Taylor, Alex Shapiro, Joseph Sowa, and Haley Woodrow. Together, we will expand our creative abilities and forge new musical friendships for the social distancing era and beyond.

Music/Band, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: All camp activities take place online via Zoom. Participants from across North America are welcome!

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Each student will participate in:

• A large ensemble—which will workshop and give the world premiere of a new work by one of the mentor composers
• A small ensemble—which will co-create, rehearse, and premiere new work(s) by the student participants
• A small home group—which will feature games and social activities
• (Optional) Two, hour-long private composition les- sons—which will give students professional feedback on their music and personalized instruction
• A final, virtual concert—on Friday, July 31, 2 PM EDT

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: We desire to make it possible for everyone who wants to join us to be able to participate regardless of family finances. We have a limited amount of funds available. Please email for more information.

OTHER CAMP INFO: Technology Requirements:

• Desktop or laptop computer (Mac preferred)
• A separate device to record audio/video (such as a tablet or smartphone)
• Headphones or earbuds
• An external microphone and audio interface would provide a better experience, but are not mandatory
• All enrolled students will receive a FREE, 90-day license for Dorico Pro 3.5

• No audition or prior composition experience required.
• Base Tuition: $450
• Registration Deadline: July 1, 2020

To learn more and to register, please visit Our Camp Website Link:

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Music Creators Academy

There are 10 Top Alabama Music Camps Below

Music Camps in AL
Offer Day & Overnight Options

Some Alabama Music Camps offer BOTH Day and Overnight Camp options. Be sure to check each camp's description under "TYPE OF CAMP" for complete information, and exact hours.

Some Alabama Music Day Camps also offer Extended Camp Hours for Early Camper Drop-Off and Pick Up. If you need these services, you should contact the camp to confirm availability.

Alabama Music Camp Shirts, Posters, and Gear Available Through Our Website.

Riverview Camp for Girls
Mentone, Alabama

Visit Our Riverview Camp for Girls Website

757 County Road 614
Mentone, Alabama 35984

PO Box 299
Mentone AL 35984

Watch Our Riverview Camp for Girls Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): All Girl Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Christian.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Riverview offers both one-and two-week camp sessions for girls ages 6 to 16. Riverview offers an incredible combination of unique, exhilarating activities in an oasis of peaceful nature. Traditional camp activity choices include Riding (both English and Western), swimming (heated pool), tennis, ropes course, climbing tower, canoeing, golf, archery, riflery, gymnastics, cheerleading, dance, flag-twirling, sports, outdoor-living skills class and more. You will enjoy exciting evening programs, optional trips, Counselor-In-Training Program opportunities and most of all lifelong friendships!

Music/Band, Theater, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Gymnastics, Cheerleading, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Volleyball, Soccer, Golf, Horses/Equestrian, Basketball, Team Sports, and more. Ropes Course
Climbing Tower
Outdoor Living Skills
Campfire Fun
Rope Swing
River Water Blob
Flag Twirling
Riverview Refinement (Etiquette)

CAMP LOCATION: Riverview Camp is a girl's summer camp located along the banks of the Little River in Mentone, Alabama, on beautiful Lookout Mountain, 45 minutes South of Chattanooga, TN…also 2 hours from Knoxville, Nashville, Birmingham, and Atlanta!

CAMP FACILITIES: Our natural surroundings are absolutely picturesque with tall graceful pines, billowing hardwoods and “river rock” pathways throughout the campground. Girls live in simple yet lovely rustic cabins with the modern conveniences necessary to make camping comfortable and fun. We have a heated swimming pool as well as the river front for swimming and canoeing, tennis courts, open air gymnasium/basketball court, ropes course, climbing tower and many acres of trails for horseback riding.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: A camp for children since 1926. A private camp for girls since 1983. A Dream Come True!!!!

Riverview Camp for Girls has been owned and operated by Susan and Larry Hooks since 1997. As camp Directors in the Mentone area since 1983, their dream had always been “to be able to own their own camp”. When the opportunity to assume the ownership role on this campus became an option they were delighted. The spacious wooded riverfront property the campus is located on is absolutely “A Dream Come True”!

Riverview is located on the former Saddle Rock Camp for Girls campus. Since the Saddle Rock name had been established as a non-transferable name, the name Riverview was born out of necessity. “Riverview” was chosen because of its location on the beautiful waterfront property on “Little River”, a river that is classified as an Outstanding National Resource Waterway. The deep green tinted river allows one to see clearly the river-rock floor of the gently flowing waters. Fresh water bass and brim are often visible as well. Parents often say that our video and catalog do not “do justice” to the actual view of the river itself!

Cloudmont Camp for Boys was the founding camp on this site in 1926. Although the cabins have been remodeled and the site continuously updated, there are still several original, authentic log cabins, the original dining hall, as well as the original beautiful “open-air” gymnasium.

As the campus continues to be nurtured by the Riverview Staff, our one goal is for children and parents to feel the safe haven that is provided for our campers… a summer camp rich in fun, friendship, learning and adventure. Riverview is proud to be a part of a traditional camp that will make each child know that… “We're glad you're here!” and that our dream will be “A Dream Come True” for Riverview campers, as well!

Riverview is accredited by the American Camping Association, a member of Christian Camping International, American Red Cross, National Rifle Association, and Camp Archery Association.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Girls age 13-14 have the opportunity to participate in our Counselor-In-Training (CIT) program. The first step toward becoming a counselor. You will begin to develop leadership and instruction skills with counselor guidance.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Riverview Camp for Girls also offers two Mother-Daughter Weekends each year, one in the spring and one in the Fall. This weekend will be an opportunity for you and your daughter(s) to come enjoy camp activities together. If your daughter has attended camp before, you will both enjoy this "camping moment" together. If she has never camped before, you will both learn to love Riverview Camp for Girls. You can participate in canoeing, swimming, tennis, arts and crafts, archery, ropes course, riflery, riding and more. Of course, there will be time to hike, tour the campus, and just have fun together relaxing. See our website for more details at: Our Camp Website Link:

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: The Riverview campus is also the site for the unique and well-known Nature’s Classroom Atop Lookout Mountain, an exciting experiential education program that has existed on a national level for 23 years and in Alabama since 1991. As a member of the Association for Experiential Education, the program provides an individually tailored format for each group’s needs. Private and public schools as well as home-based school programs from all over the southeast attend this popular educational experience. Want to know more? Contact Nature’s Classroom [AT] 256-634-4443 for information for your child’s school program, or visit them online at: Our Camp Website Link:

OTHER CAMP INFO: Campers…Here’s what you can expect!

To have one of the most memorable summers of your life.
To do some amazing things that you never dreamed you would or could do!
To make mistakes when you try new things and not feel bad about it!
To make friends that you will want to spend your summers with for years to come!
To make friends that you will get together with in the fall and spring between summers at Riverview!
To run into these friends when you go to college!
To return to camp someday as a counselor!
To learn what it means to truly be you!
To learn what it means to be the best you can be!
To feel close to God!
To love your counselors!
To love your tribe!
To hunt the buffalo rattle!
To swing through the trees and feel the air brush your face!
To splash in the pool!
To hit the target…better yet, to hit the bulls-eye!
To sit in the field or swing quietly as you talk with friends!
To smile non-stop!
To Enjoy Extraordinary Experiences Everyday!
To say “Thank You” to whoever sends you to Camp Riverview! (Parents/Guardians/Grandparents)
To cry when you leave.

For girls ages 6-16, we have both 1 and 2 week sessions that can be combined for up to a 9-week camp stay. Visit our website at Our Camp Website Link: for a complete list of session dates and fees.

If you're looking for an opportunity for an exciting summer complete our staff application which is available at Our Camp Website Link: by clicking the "Employment" link at the top of the page then the "Counselor Application" link near the bottom.

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Riverview Camp for Girls

There are 9 Top Alabama Music Camps Below

Camp Skyline Ranch
Mentone, AL

Visit Our Camp Skyline Ranch Website
4888 Alabama Highway 117
Mentone, AL 35984

Watch Our Camp Skyline Ranch Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): All Girl Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Christian.

Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Gymnastics, Cheerleading, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Soccer, Golf, Horses/Equestrian, Basketball, Team Sports, and more. Circus, Ropes Course, Climbing Tower, Mountain Biking

CAMP LOCATION: We are located 45 minutes south of Chattanooga, TN in Mentone, AL. Camp Skyline is also an easy 2 hour drive from Atlanta, GA and Birmingham, AL. Located atop Lookout Mountain and on the banks of The Little River.

CAMP FACILITIES: Our beautiful, modern facilities are equipped with restrooms and showers in every cabin. Facilities include: heated outdoor pool, open-air gym, climbing tower, access to The Little River, horseback riding trails, horseback riding barn and rings, athletic fields, ropes course, and much more!

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: A Christian summer camp for girls ages 6-16. Since 1947, Camp Skyline has been a home for generations of campers. Skyline offers one and two week sessions where campers make new friends, honor old traditions, and strengthen their faith. Since there is a 1:5 counselor to camper ratio, your daughter is assured individual attention and guidance.

Our program has something for everyone and provides campers with more than twenty activity choices including horseback riding, circus, ropes course, canoeing, mountain biking, archery, swimming, gymnastics, and more! Campers choose their own schedule for the session that consists of six activities each day.


FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Mother/Daughter Weekends One and Two Week Summer Camp Sessions

Check out our website for more information including dates and session rates.

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Camp Skyline Ranch

There are 8 Top Alabama Music Camps Below

Alabama Music Camp Shirts, Posters, and Gear Available Through Our Website.

Steve and Kate's Camp
Alabama Location(s)

Visit Our Steve and Kate's Camp Website
Locations Nationwide, including Washington International School
1690 36th Street NW
Washington, Washington DC 20007

California: LA County
California: Orange County
California: San Francisco
California: SF Bay Area, East
California: SF Bay Area, North
California: SF Bay Area, Peninsula
California: SF Bay Area, South
DC / Virginia
New Jersey
New York

Watch Our Steve and Kate's Camp Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Monday-Friday 8:00am-6:00pm

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: We Trust Kids. So They Trust Themselves.
Since 1980, we've put kids in charge of their own learning experience. At Steve & Kate’s, kids try, fail, and learn on their own. They learn to trust their own judgment, and tackle the challenges of an ever changing world with creativity and confidence. Campers choose minute to minute from a variety of activities including, sewing, stop-motion animation, music, performing arts, makers crafts, bread making, and more. They'll decide what they want to do, and for how long–developing confidence and learning to trust their judgment along the way.

Music/Band, Theater, Academics, and more.

Our Camp Website Link:

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Steve and Kates Camp

There are 7 Top Alabama Music Camps Below

Highlands Summer Camp
Birmingham, Alabama

Visit Our Highlands Summer Camp Website
4901 Old Leeds Rd
Birmingham, Alabama 35205

CAMPER AGES: Entering K-8th


CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Highlands summer camp offers challenging activities, talented teachers and great variety that you have some to expect from Highlands School. Camp is open to all students entering Kindergarten through 8th grade, regardless of the school they attend during the school year. Our Enrichment Camps include active, artistic, academic and just plain fun choices.

Be sure to note that we offer morning sessions, some afternoon sessions and some full day camps! We also offer Traditional Day Camp in the afternoons for K-6th grade. This afternoon day camp pairs well with a morning Enrichment Camp for full day care.

Music/Band, Musical Theater, Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Fine Arts/Crafts, Computers, Math, Science, Technology, Academics, Weightloss, Swimming, Tennis, Wilderness/Nature, Golf, Martial Arts, Basketball, and more. Fishing, Chess, Yoga, Archery, Coding, Lego, Chinese, Creative Writing, Bike Safety, Etiquette, Robotics, Dungeons & Dragons, Magic The Gathering, Halfblood, & More.

CAMP LOCATION: Located in Mountain Brook, Alabama.
4901 Old Leeds Road
Birmingham, AL 35213

CAMP FACILITIES: Highlands School has a lovely campus with several buildings, a well kept soccer field, lunchroom, playgrounds, library and auditorium.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: For complete info, please visit: Our Camp Website Link:

For complete info, please visit: Our Camp Website Link:

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Highlands Summer Camp

There are 6 Top Alabama Music Camps Below

Messiah Music Camp
Madison, Alabama

Visit Our Messiah Music Camp Website
7740 Highway 72 West
Madison, Alabama 35758

CAMPER AGES: Rising Kindergarten through 9th Grade

TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Daily 9-3 p.m., Saturday AM Rehearsal, Sunday AM Musical

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Christian. We are an ELCA Lutheran Congregation.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Bless your child(ren)’s summer with a week of learning God’s Word, singing, and recreational fun. The week-long camp runs M-F, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. with a Saturday morning dress rehearsal on June 10, and Sunday morning musical presentations during worship on June 11.

Weekday mornings the children will rehearse songs from the musical with professional educators, enjoy crafts, drama, recreation, worship, and a snack. After a sack lunch (from home), campers will enjoy afternoon activities like roller skating, bowling, movies, etc.

Musical Theater, Theater, and more. Children Enjoy Crafts, Snacks, & Recreation Time.

CAMP LOCATION: Messiah Lutheran Church is located on US Highway 72, west of Huntsville, Alabama.

CAMP FACILITIES: The camp is conducted mostly inside the church, though recreation activities take place outdoors and at the location of the afternoon recreation event (bowling center, roller rink, etc.)

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Messiah Music Camp was founded in the 1990's as a quality, summer musical-theater program for children in the City of Madison area. Messiah Music Camp offers a wholesome and non-competitive environment for children to experience the joy of singing and acting while making friends and having fun through the crafts and recreation activities.

Messiah Music Camp was founded as a music outreach initiative by Lois Graff, who was MLC's Music Director when the church was founded in 1990, and Pastor Scott Peterson, MLC's founding pastor. Graff and Peterson wrote and composed over nine original musicals. These musicals are rotated year to year. Visit the Gallery page for a selection of photos from recent musicals and to view past performances of Music Camp musicals.

Messiah Music Camp Director is Stephanie Gillespie. Prior to being hired as Music Camp Director early in 2023, Gillespie served as the Music Camp's Music Director for over ten years. She is a

Music Camp Leadership
Messiah Music Camp's leaders and teachers are experienced and dedicated to ensuring the Music Camp experience is a rewarding and fun experience for your child. They are assisted by dozens of volunteers who assist throughout the week. Your child's well being and safety are important. All of our leaders have completed background checks.

Adult and youth volunteers are screened and receive training prior to being permitted to lead children's activities. Information and policies on Messiah's Youth Activity Standards can be found by visiting our youth pages at Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Scholarships available. Please email us.

OTHER CAMP INFO: Students bring lunch from home. We do not have early drop off or late pick up available. Hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

June 5 - 9, 2023 (camp) June 10 (AM rehearsal) June 11 (AM musicals)
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
$100 for first child, $20 discount for each additional sibling registered. See website for details. Please note that lunches are brought from home.

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Messiah Music Camp

There are 5 Top Alabama Music Camps Below

Theatre Camp 2017
Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Visit Our Theatre Camp 2017 Website
205.310.8010 (Drew Baker, Camp Coordinator)
205.391.2277 (Theatre Tuscaloosa, Camp Venue)

9500 Old Greensboro Road #135
Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35405

CAMPER AGES: Completion of K-11th Grades

TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Monday-Friday 8am-noon

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Tuscaloosa Children's Theatre and Theatre Tuscaloosa are partnering once again to offer Theatre Camp 2017 this summer from June 19th - 30th in the fine arts center on Shelton State's Martin Campus. In this day camp, classes are offered from 8:15am to noon for children who have completed kindergarten through eleventh grade. Session topics will include acting, dance, singing, improvisation, auditioning, stage makeup, and technical theatre. Registration is limited to 20 students per age group and is conducted on a first-come-first-served basis.

Music/Band, Musical Theater, Theater, Dance, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located on the Martin Campus of Shelton State Community College (9500 Old Greensboro Road) off of Hwy 69S.

CAMP FACILITIES: Campers will participate in activities in the Rehearsal Hall, Band and Choral Rooms, Costume Shop, Recital Hall, and perform on the stage of the Bean-Brown Theatre.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Our camp instructors are professional theatre directors, costumers, and teachers who all hold degrees from colleges throughout the state of Alabama.

Read their full bios at Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Scholarships applications may be requested through Drew Baker (205.310.8010).

June 19-30, 2017
Monday-Friday 8am-noon
$262 per camper & includes camp t-shirt

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Theatre Camp 2017

There are 4 Top Alabama Music Camps Below


Find a great collection of custom-made shirts, hoodies, bags, swag & gear on our RedBubble page. Click on any image or the link below.

More Info

GASP - Gamecock Arts Summer Program
Jacksonville, Alabama

Visit Our GASP - Gamecock Arts Summer Program Website
700 Pelham Rd. North
Jacksonville, Alabama 35265


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Check in Sunday night, Monday-Friday 8am-7pm

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: The Gamecock Arts Summer Program (GASP) is an opportunity for high school students aged 14-18 to experience college-level art and performance activities. 2022 camp options include show choir, visual arts, acting, film making, costume/cosplay, and creative writing.

Music/Band, Musical Theater, Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Fine Arts/Crafts, Academics, and more. Creative Writing

CAMP LOCATION: Jacksonville State University is located about 70 miles NE from Birmingham, AL. Our campus is known as the Friendliest Campus in the South and the city of Jacksonville is described as "the gem of the hills".

CAMP FACILITIES: Our workshops and classes will be held in our University's academic buildings. Students will have recreation time in our state of the art Indoor Recreation Facility. The residential campers will stay in one of our on-campus dormitories and eat meals at the Jack Hopper Dinning Hall.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Visual Arts: Creative minded high schoolers looking for an in-depth art experience will be right at home at JSU’s Visual Arts Camp. This program will give students insight into what it is like to be a college level designer and artist in the JSU Art Department. Workshops will be taught by our experienced Faculty and graduate students. The camp includes housing, meals, and supplies. The week long camp will end with an Exhibition of the students’ work in one of our 4 campus gallery spaces open to family and friends.

Film making: "I Am My Own Super-Hero" Filmmaking Camp is an excellent introduction to the art of film making utilizing professional processes for writing, shooting and lighting digital film projects. The camp features a hands on, no-nonsense approach to the art of film; developing a script relating to their own super-hero qualities, placing students behind the camera, setting up creative lighting and learning techniques of boom operation from day one.

Creative Writing: Come write with us! The JSU Writers Camp (Young Adult Writing Program) is dedicated to fostering craft for writers interested in developing their skills in the genres of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction, and will offer workshops, craft lectures, and readings by published writers and teachers of creative writing.

Acting: In this acting camp, actors will curate their own original interpretive work of Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland. From Humpty Dumpty to the Red Queen, from the Mad Hatter to the Jabberwocky, creative devising, ensemble work, and physical and vocal character exploration will all combine to bring the curious characters of Wonderland to life. Young actors will learn a variety of professional acting techniques, vocal and movement work, textual analysis, group games and exercises, audition techniques, and improv.

Cosplay/Costuming: Take your Cosplay skills to the next level in this intense one week camp! The week will be filled with a variety of hands on projects to increase your sewing, design, and patternmaking skills for Cosplay so you can better envision and complete your creations. Other projects will involve working with new and nontraditional materials such as thermoplastics and patterning and completing foam pieces. You will also sculpt, cast and mold items using the latest silicone products.

Show Choir: Over the span of a week, contemporary style singing with choreography will be taught to participants. Solo singing, choral singing, and dance will be emphasized as students work towards a themed show for performance by week’s end. Music reading is not required as students will be taught basic music reading skills through keyboard instruction. The Show Choir Camp will be led by experienced music faculty and graduate assistants.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Family and friends are invited to attend Friday afternoon for the art shows, performances, readings, etc.

Please see the registration page for details: Our Camp Website Link:

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GASPGamecock Arts Summer Program

There are 3 Top Alabama Music Camps Below

Alabama School of Fine Arts Adventures in Learning 2014
Birmingham, Alabama

Visit Our Alabama School of Fine Arts Adventures in Learning 2014 Website
1800 Reverend Abraham Woods Jr., Blvd.
Birmingham, Alabama 35203

CAMPER AGES: grades 5-8

TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Weekdays 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

Music/Band, Theater, Fine Arts/Crafts, Computers, Math, Science, Technology, Academics, Dance, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located in the heart of downtown Birmingham and one block from the Birmingham Museum of Art. Please visit our website at Our Camp Website Link: for a listing of all our summer camps.

CAMP FACILITIES: Located on the spacious campus of the Alabama School of Fine Arts, students who attend the theatre, music or dance camps will have an opportunity to perform in the brand new Dorothy Jemison Day Theater on the final day of camp. This 500 seat state-of-the-art facility opened in April 2012 and features digital lighting and sound system, an acoustically tuneable listening environment and a sprung stage floor designed specifically for dancers. Those attending the science camps get to take home their own hydraulically powered robot or solar powered car and boat.

Those students attending the visual arts camp will leave with an art portfolio filed with original creations. Writing campers have the opportunity to share their work in a public reading on the final day of camp.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: We have nearly 20 different camps that offer students the opportunity to study either writing, dance, music, theatre arts, visual arts, pre-algebra, Algebra I, computer programming, microbiology or engineering. There is something for everyone! Most camps are one week and offered to students entering grades 5-9. The writing camps is available to students in grades 5-10. Come check us out!

Please see our website at Our Camp Website Link: for camp dates, times and fees.

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Alabama School of Fine Arts Adventures in Learning 2014

There are 2 Top Alabama Music Camps Below

Alabama Music Camp Shirts, Posters, and Gear Available Through Our Website.

Tonea Stewart Performing Arts Camps
Montgomery, Alabama

Visit Our Tonea Stewart Performing Arts Camps Website
(334) 229-6755
Alabama State University
915 South Jackson
Montgomery, Alabama 36104

College of Visual and Performing Arts
P O Box 271
Montgomery, AL 36101

Watch Our Tonea Stewart Performing Arts Camps Video

CAMPER AGES: The 2014 camps are categorized by age and interest

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. The 2014 camps are categorized by age and interest and start June 2nd through July 13th -- day camps and onsite/dormitory housing.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: July 16 - 24 CAMP GIFTED - Giving Individuals Freedom to Express Diversity provides a platform for 13-21 year old individuals with special needs to participate in acting, singing and dancing. The day camp meets on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for two weeks. The final performance will be at 12:00 p.m. on July 24th in Leila Barlow Theatre.

Music/Band, Musical Theater, Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Technology, Dance, and more. Technical Theater.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located on the beautiful campus of Alabama State University in Alabama's capitol city -- conveniently located off of the I-85/I-65 exchange. Please visit our website for lots of camp photos and videos.

CAMP FACILITIES: CAMP 3T - Teaching through Theatre offers young adults ages 13-17 the opportunity to stay on-site in one of the Alabama State University dormitories. Many of the facilities are new or have been recently renovated. The dormitory housing is safe and offers a range of amenities, including furniture and access to a state of the art cafeteria on the pedestrian friendly university campus.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Tonea Stewart Performing Arts Camps annually draw more than 500 people from across the United States to the River Region for various camps offering captivating theatrical development.

Visionary founder and professional actress Dr. Tommie ‘Tonea’ Stewart has expanded its programming from two to five camps since 1994, annually adding new components.

Tonea Stewart Performing Arts Camps are designed to teach participants about the world of theatre, in addition to building self-esteem, character and confidence in their individual uniqueness. One of the camp’s most notable programs is GIFTED, which gives individuals with disabilities the freedom to express their diversity in a celebrated environment.

Program participants receive theatrical instruction through classes, workshops and training sessions with inspired staff and master guest instructors. The experience culminates with an original final production.

The 2014 camps are categorized by age and interest and start June 2nd through July 13th.

June 2 - 14
TAPS - Theatre Artists Performance School is a performance-based, two-week day camp from 8:00 am to 5:30 p.m. for ages 6-12. The Monday through Friday session will culminate with a final performance on Saturday, June 14th at 1:00 p.m. in the Dunn Oliver Acadome on the Alabama State University Campus.

June 22 - 29
CAMP 3T - Teaching through Theatre offers young adults ages 13-17 classes in acting, singing, dancing and oral interpretation. Camp participants stay on-site in dorms and present a final performance on June 28th at 1:00 p.m. in the Dunn Oliver Acadome on the Alabama State University Campus.

June 9 -14 | June 22-28
TTI - Technical Theatre Initiative is designed to give the participants ages 15 to 18 first-hand experience with the basics of costumes, lights, set design, entertainment law, sound, videography, photography, editing and stage management. Additionally, participants receive life skills around dressing for success, speech and diction; interview ethics and interpersonal communication in this Monday through Friday camp from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

July 10 - 13
ARPAC - Adult Repertory Performing Arts Camp gives community members to teachers, state employees and counselors a creative outlet in acting for television, film and stage. This three-day residential workshop is designed for ages 18 and up. Participants and staff are housed in the Alabama State University dormitories.

July 16 - 24
CAMP GIFTED - Giving Individuals Freedom to Express Diversity provides a platform for 13-21 year old individuals with special needs to participate in acting, singing and dancing. The day camp meets on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for two weeks. The final performance will be at 12:00 p.m. on July 24th in Leila Barlow Theatre.

ARPAC - Adult Repertory Performing Arts Camp gives community members to teachers, state employees and counselors a creative outlet in acting for television, film and stage. This three-day residential workshop is designed for ages 18 and up. Participants and staff are housed in the Alabama State University dormitories.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Registration now is highly encouraged, as spaces are limited. Scholarships are available.
The number for more information is (334) 229-6755 or Our Camp Website Link:

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): June 2 - 14 TAPS - Theatre Artists Performance School is a performance-based, two-week day camp from 8:00 am to 5:30 p.m. for ages 6-12. The Monday through Friday session will culminate with a final performance on Saturday, June 14th at 1:00 p.m. in the Dunn Oliver Acadome on the Alabama State University Campus.

OTHER CAMP INFO: Registration now is highly encouraged, as spaces are limited. Scholarships are available.
The number for more information is (334) 229-6755 or Our Camp Website Link:

Please see website for more information.

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Tonea Stewart Performing Arts Camps

There is 1 Top Alabama Music Camp Below

Alabama YMCA Camps
YMCA Camps in Alabama

2290 Paul Bear Bryant Road
Alpine, AL 35014

Visit website for more information.

Alabama Boy Scouts Camps
Summer Camps in Alabama
Greater Alabama Council Boy Scouts of America
Birmingham Camps
516 Liberty Parkway
Birmingham, Alabama 35242

For complete info visit the website.

Northern Alabama Girl Scouts Camps
Summer Camps in Northern Alabama

Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama

Camp Gertrude Coleman (CC)
4010 Camp Coleman Road
Trussville, AL 35173
Phone: (205) 655-3782 or
Toll-free: (800) 734-4541
Fax: (205) 655-5602

Camp Cottaquilla
2500 Cottaquilla Road
Anniston, AL 36207
Phone: 256-295-9072 or
Toll-Free: (800) 734-4541

Kanawahala Program Center (KPC)
831 Girl Scout Road
Chelsea, AL 35043
Phone: (205) 678-8843 or
Toll-free (800) 734-4541

Camp Trico
315 Trico Drive
Guntersville, AL 35976
Phone: 256-582-2617


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ALABAMA MUSIC CAMP PARENTS & CAMPERS: If you are looking to find info on how to choose the best summer camp to attend this summer, please check out our 2025 GUIDE TO CHOOSING THE BEST SUMMER MUSIC CAMP for some great camp research tips and lots of important 2025 summer camp info.

In addition to our 2025 Alabama Summer Music Camps Directory we have also created quite a few SPECIAL INTEREST CAMP DIRECTORIES, and have included brief descriptions of these and links to their dedicated websites on the 2025 CAMP GUIDE page.

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