Top Music Summer Camps and Summer Music Programs for Kids & Teens in Oklahoma

Best Oklahoma Music Camps Summer 2025 Directory

Find the Best Music Camps in Oklahoma!

Over 10 Oklahoma Music Summer Camps Listed Below with In-Depth Camp Info, including: Videos, Photos, Maps & Detailed Descriptions

Best Oklahoma Music Camps in 2025
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Winter Music Camps, Programs, Workshops, & Classes in Oklahoma are Starting in February, 2025

Many of our Oklahoma Music Camps offer Winter Music Programs, Activities, Workshops & Classes starting in February, 2025.

Be sure to check the "Year-Round Programs and Other Camp Info" headings of each camp listing for specifics, or give any Music Camp you're interested in a call to check on Winter dates, times and availability.

Winter 2025 Music Camp Open Houses & Reunions

Many of our Music Camps will be hosting Winter Reunions for their previous campers, and Winter Open Houses for interested new campers and families. Each camp is different, and some offer activities for the entire family.

Contact the camp(s) directly to see if there are any Camp Reunion or Open House Plans for February, 2025.

Best Oklahoma Winter Music Day Camps Starting in February, 2025

Looking for a Great Oklahoma Music Day Camp? Look at each camp's TYPE OF CAMP description. Many of our Best Oklahoma Day Music Camps also list their exact hours, and if they offer before and after camp activities.

Best Oklahoma Year-Round
Music Camps, Classes & Music Programs

Many of our Best Oklahoma Summer Music Camps also offer Year Round Music Camp Programs, Classes, and Activities. You should contact the camps you are interested in to see if they offer Fall, Winter and/or Spring Music Programs, too.

Best Oklahoma Winter Music Camp Jobs

Searching for Oklahoma Music Camp Jobs? Many of our Best Music Camps are now listing their 2025 Winter Camp Jobs, too. Look for the heading "Summer Camp Jobs" in each camp listing. You can also check any camp's website for their "Work at Camp" or "Winter Employment Opportunities" pages.

View ALL OK Camps with Winter Work & Leadership Training Opportunities.



Camp Pillsbury
Owatonna, Minnesota

Ages: 6-17 . Coed Campers. Overnight Camp. Day Camp.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp Pillsbury is a unique summer camp for boys and girls ages 6 to 17. Strong offerings in Theater, Circus, Music, Dance, Sports, Magic, Technology, and more. More than 100 activities! Campers choose their activities daily, making each day special for each individual camper. Five, 2 WEEK sleepaway sessions begin June 14th to August 23rd. Enroll now at

View this Featured Camp's Full Profile


 Check Out These *Featured Camp(s):

Camp Pillsbury

Oklahoma Music Camp Shirts, Posters, and Gear Available Through Our Website.

Friends and Fun: Empowering Better Relationships
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Visit Our Friends and Fun: Empowering Better Relationships Website
1800 N.W. 122
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73120

CAMPER AGES: Grades 2-6

TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. May 31-June 3 9:00-11:30

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Exploring how to be a good friend through fun, interactive activities, social skills training, and play to build better relationships. Attendees will engage in role playing, explore group dynamics, and learn skills to enhance friendships. Learn how to “roll with the changes” and the keys to being a good friend.

Musical Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Fine Arts/Crafts, Computers, Math, Science, Technology, Academics, Dance, Cheerleading, Weightloss, Tennis, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Soccer, Basketball, Football, Baseball, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: Heritage Hall is located on N.W. 122 between north Penn and Western.

CAMP FACILITIES: We are open to the community.

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Friends and Fun Empowering Better Relationships

There are 10 Top Oklahoma Music Camps Below

Visit Our   Music Camp Online Store

Oklahoma Music Camps

Be sure to ask each Oklahoma Music Camp about the amount of music instruction and the overall intensity of their music program.

Some Top Oklahoma Music Camps offer rigorous daily music training and lots of intensive music experience. Other great Oklahoma Camps offer music as an elective or recreational activity with much less training and intensity.

View ONLY Oklahoma Music Day Camps?

Would you like to see a List of Top Oklahoma Music Day Camps Only, Organized by City?

We will re-sort this list and show you only Music Day Camps, organized alphabetically by city.

Heritage Hall Youth Basketball Camps -Boys & Girls
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Visit Our Heritage Hall Youth Basketball Camps -Boys & Girls Website
1800 N.W. 122
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73120

CAMPER AGES: Grades 1-8

TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. May 30-June 1 9:00-11:30

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Boy Campers. All Girl Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Charger Boys’ Basketball Camp
Grades 1-5 and 6-8 • Coaches Chris Hamilton, Dylan Sullivan, and Eric Gill
May 30-June 1 ( Tues.-Thurs.), 9am-11:30pm $110
McClendon Athletic Center Boghetich Gym
Learn the fundamentals of basketball. Work on dribbling, shooting, passing, defensive footwork and game concepts while gaining an understanding of where and when to use these skills during daily team games. Grade levels will be divided. Include T-shirt size on enrollment form.

Girls’ Basketball Camp Leslie Warner
Grades 1-8 (Levels will be divided) June 26-29 (Mon-Thurs) 1-3:30pm $145
McClendon Athletic Center Boghetich Gym
Girls will build self-confidence and develop their basketball skills and knowledge of the sport in a fun and safe learning environment. Campers will perform various activities, drills and games that emphasize the basic fundamentals of basketball. Include T-shirt size on enrollment form.

Music/Band, Musical Theater, Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Fine Arts/Crafts, Computers, Math, Science, Technology, Academics, Dance, Cheerleading, Weightloss, Swimming, Tennis, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Soccer, Basketball, Football, Baseball, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: Heritage Hall is located on NW 122 between Penn & Western.

CAMP FACILITIES: Heritage Hall is on 90 acres and has 3 gymnasia, field house, 4 academic buildings, theatre, state-of-the art tennis courts, soccer, football, baseball, and softball fields.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Heritage Hall's "Summer at the Hall" is open to the community and offers academic, athletic, and enrichment programs. For complete information, please visit: Our Camp Website Link:

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Heritage Hall Youth Basketball Camps Boys and Girls

There are 9 Top Oklahoma Music Camps Below

Music Camps in OK
Offer Day & Overnight Options

Some Oklahoma Music Camps offer BOTH Day and Overnight Camp options. Be sure to check each camp's description under "TYPE OF CAMP" for complete information, and exact hours.

Some Oklahoma Music Day Camps also offer Extended Camp Hours for Early Camper Drop-Off and Pick Up. If you need these services, you should contact the camp to confirm availability.

Oklahoma Music Camp Shirts, Posters, and Gear Available Through Our Website.

Oklahoma Children's Theatre
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Visit Our Oklahoma Children's Theatre Website
Main Office: (405) 606-7003
Oklahoma Children's Theatre
2501 N Blackwelder
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73106


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Daily 9am - 4pm

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.


Oklahoma Children's Theatre presents exciting day camps all summer long for children ages 3-16. With over 140 classes in theatre, dance, musical theatre, magic, filmmaking, video game design and much more. Spaces fill fast, explore our program today.

Music/Band, Musical Theater, Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Fine Arts/Crafts, Computers, Technology, Dance, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: Oklahoma Children's Theatre is proudly located on the campus of Oklahoma City University, located along NW 23rd Street, between Pennsylvania Ave. and Classen Blvd. The Oklahoma Children's Theatre main office is located upstairs in the Children Center for the Arts (CCA) building on the corner of 25th and Blackwelder.

CAMP FACILITIES: All of student enjoy working with college level facilities, including the use of four theatre spaces and dedicated arts and computer rooms.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Each day campers will experience the magic of theatre, brush up their performance skills, and learn performing arts basics in a fun environment of creativity and imagination. Seasonal camps always include lots of theatre-based games and activities--we focus on fun while developing campers' dramatic skills such as stage directions, vocal projection, and improvisation.

All week-long camps will include a Friday performance or other showcase. Performances are free of charge and all friends and family are invited to watch. Since the performances are devised by the campers and teachers, camcorders and cameras are encouraged!

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Scholarships are available on demonstrated financial need. See our scholarship opportunities at Our Camp Website Link:

Weekly camps run from May 23 - August 12 2016, with special day camps August 15, 16 & 17

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Oklahoma Childrens Theatre

There are 8 Top Oklahoma Music Camps Below

Camp Tumbleweed
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Visit Our Camp Tumbleweed Website
405-946-4489 ext. 1802
2501 N. Utah Ave.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73107

Watch Our Camp Tumbleweed Video



CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp Tumbleweed is a top quality summer day camp for teenagers and young adults with disabilities in the Oklahoma City area, ages 14-21. Campers are required to bring a packed lunch every day.

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Camp Tumbleweed is a day camp for youth with disabilities, ages 14 through 21 years old, in the OKC and surrounding metro area. It combines the traditional elements of a camp – field trips, crafts, and outdoor activities - with opportunities to develop independence and advocacy skills and start to learn about potential job opportunities after high school. Camp is located at the Dale Rogers Training Center campus - 2501 N. Utah Ave. in Oklahoma City. Camp supervisors and staff are experienced in the field of disabilities and currently work in our Transition School-to-Work Program.

Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Math, Science, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Travel, Wilderness/Nature, Basketball, and more. For Teenagers & Young Adults With Disabilities.

Camp Tumbleweed is a Top Music Summer Camp located in Oklahoma City Oklahoma offering many fun and educational Music and other activities, including: Fine Arts/Crafts, Basketball, Science and more. Camp Tumbleweed is a top Music Camp for ages: 14-21.

CAMP LOCATION: We're in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, on NW 23rd Street & Utah (between Meridian and Portland). The camp is located at the Dale Rogers Training Center's main campus and has an outside camp area nestled in the trees complete with teepee and a mock campfire!

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Camp supervisors and staff are experienced in the field of disabilities and currently work in our Transition School-to-Work Program.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Contact Alaiszia Fobbs at 405-946-4489, ext. 1802 or email camptumbleweed[AT] for more information.

OTHER CAMP INFO: Camp provides a planned schedule of recreational, motivational, educational and social activities that include trips to local attractions such as the OKC Zoo, Sam Noble Natural History Museum, movie theaters, and other community outings and activities. There are additional fees for admission into many of these activities. We attempt to limit activity fees to no more than $10.00 per week.

Session 1: June
Session 2: July

Campers can attend one or both sessions.

Camp runs from 8AM-4:30PM, M-F, but pre and post care options are available for an additional fee.

Registration options (weekly):
Part time (3 days a week): $85
Full time (4-5 days a week): $145
We also accept waiver funds and respite care.

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Camp Tumbleweed

There are 7 Top Oklahoma Music Camps Below

 Check Out These *Featured Camp(s):

Camp Pillsbury

Oklahoma Music Camp Shirts, Posters, and Gear Available Through Our Website.

King of Kings Mini Day Camp
Glenpool, Oklahoma

Visit Our King of Kings Mini Day Camp Website
14023 S Casper
Glenpool, Oklahoma 74033


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. 8am-12pm

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Christian.

Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located just off of US Hwy 75 in Glenpool.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Mark your calendars now for summer fun for kids 5-12 years old. June 2-6 we will be offering a fun-filled summer day camp: Discovering God’s World. August 4-8, we will be offering a second exciting summer day camp: Creative Arts. Camp will run from 8 am to 12 pm Monday through Friday at our location at 14023 S Casper, Glenpool and cost is only $25 per child per week. Breakfast will be served each morning.

Discovering God’s World week will include hands-on discovery through exploring nature, cooking, chemistry experiments, gardening and more.

Creative Arts week will explore the creative side God gave your child through music, art, writing, and crafting.

For more information, check-out Our Camp Website Link: or call 918-291-2005.

Space is limited!

Discover God's World June 2-6
Creative Arts Aug 4-8

Go to Our Camp Website Link: for complete info.

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King of Kings Mini Day Camp

There are 6 Top Oklahoma Music Camps Below

Red River Drum & Auxiliary Camp
Ardmore, OK

Visit Our Red River Drum & Auxiliary Camp Website
3323 Lodge Rd.
Ardmore, OK 73401

425 W. University Blvd.
Durant, OK 747010

Watch Our Red River Drum & Auxiliary Camp Video

CAMPER AGES: 7th through 12th grades

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. 5 days, all-inclusive.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Red River Drum & Auxiliary Camp is a 5-Day summer camp for Drumline, Colorguard, and Drum Major students grades 7-12. The camp is held at beautiful Lake Murray State Park in Ardmore, Oklahoma. 9 Drumline Instructors, 5 Colorguard Instructors, 3 Drum Major Instructors (please see our website for more information). All-Inclusive Cost for 5 days: $275. Director's cost: $265.

Music/Band, and more. Drumline, Colorguard, & Drum Majors.

Red River Drum & Auxiliary Camp is a Top Music Summer Camp located in Ardmore Oklahoma offering many fun and educational Music and other activities, including: Music/Band and more. Red River Drum & Auxiliary Camp is a top Music Camp for ages: 7th through 12th grades.

CAMP LOCATION: The camp is held at beautiful Lake Murray State Park in Ardmore, Oklahoma; half way between Dallas and Oklahoma City on Interstate I35.
3323 Lodge Rd., Ardmore, OK 73401.
Please visit our website for lots of camp photos and videos.

CAMP FACILITIES: Lake Murray Lodge offers sleep 4-10 person rooms and cabins, pool, basketball, volleyball, badminton, frisbee golf, lake swimming.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: The Red River Drum & Auxiliary Camp is held at beautiful Lake Murray State Park in Ardmore, Oklahoma. We hope you will make plans to join us for what will be an outstanding week of drumline, colorguard, and drum major activities. Keep in mind that the mission of the Red River Drum & Auxiliary Camp is not to teach students their fall marching music or drill routines, but rather to instill solid fundamentals and techniques, and a sense of musicianship and team performance that will ultimately produce higher quality, more experienced drumline, colorguard, and drum major performers. This will be accomplished through a daily schedule of warmups, sectionals, mass rehearsals, performances, and educational clinics. We will, however, offer optional private instruction for entire school drumlines, individual colorguard members and drum majors.

OTHER CAMP INFO: Students entering 7th-12th grades, and graduates can look forward to a busy but relaxed atmosphere where they can refine their skills and meet new friends. We ask that students have at least 1 year experience before coming to the camp. Lake Murray State Park provides the perfect backdrop for a week of productive practice, enjoyable entertainment, and recreational activities in one of the midwest's most beautiful state parks.

July 9-13, 2018. All-Inclusive registration fee of $275. Please visit our website for detailed information at: Our Camp Website Link:

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Red River Drum and Auxiliary Camp

There are 5 Top Oklahoma Music Camps Below

Music Creators Academy
Online Camp

Visit Our Music Creators Academy Website

3805 S. Valmore Avenue
Bloomington, IN 47403


TYPE OF CAMP: Online. Weekdays 11 AM–12 PM and 2–4 PM EDT

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Join fellow middle- and high-school music students in making new music for virtual ensembles mentored by renowned com- posers, including Brian Balmages, Steven Bryant, Viet Cuong, Tyler Grant, Garrett Hope, Cait Nishimura, Benjamin Taylor, Alex Shapiro, Joseph Sowa, and Haley Woodrow. Together, we will expand our creative abilities and forge new musical friendships for the social distancing era and beyond.

Music/Band, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: All camp activities take place online via Zoom. Participants from across North America are welcome!

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Each student will participate in:

• A large ensemble—which will workshop and give the world premiere of a new work by one of the mentor composers
• A small ensemble—which will co-create, rehearse, and premiere new work(s) by the student participants
• A small home group—which will feature games and social activities
• (Optional) Two, hour-long private composition les- sons—which will give students professional feedback on their music and personalized instruction
• A final, virtual concert—on Friday, July 31, 2 PM EDT

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: We desire to make it possible for everyone who wants to join us to be able to participate regardless of family finances. We have a limited amount of funds available. Please email for more information.

OTHER CAMP INFO: Technology Requirements:

• Desktop or laptop computer (Mac preferred)
• A separate device to record audio/video (such as a tablet or smartphone)
• Headphones or earbuds
• An external microphone and audio interface would provide a better experience, but are not mandatory
• All enrolled students will receive a FREE, 90-day license for Dorico Pro 3.5

• No audition or prior composition experience required.
• Base Tuition: $450
• Registration Deadline: July 1, 2020

To learn more and to register, please visit Our Camp Website Link:

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Music Creators Academy

There are 4 Top Oklahoma Music Camps Below

Shepherd's Fold Ranch
Avant, Oklahoma

Visit Our Shepherd's Fold Ranch Website
185 River Ave.
Box 39
Avant, Oklahoma 74001

Watch Our Shepherd's Fold Ranch Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.


BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Summer Camp for ages kindergarten through 12th grade. Campers are given the opportunity to spend their summer exploring God’s creation, High ropes course, canoeing, hiking, epic night games, horseback riding, Frisbee golfing, participating in pool “ Olympics”, taking a ride on the zip line over the pond, playing new games, fellowshipping with their peers and many more exciting activities! Bible based object lessons, parables, and worship encounters are a fundamental part of each day at camp.

Music/Band, Dance, Swimming, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Soccer, Basketball, and more.
Adventure Construction
Survival Skills

CAMP LOCATION: We are located just 40 minutes north of Tulsa, Oklahoma on 88 acres in the Osage Hills. Please visit our website for lots of camp photos and videos.

CAMP FACILITIES: With over 200+ beds, we have 16 cabins with a variety of configurations there is space for everyone. We have a two acre pond with huge slide, jumping tower, basketball court, sand volleyball court, disc golf course, hiking trails, swimming pool and ample sunset watching spots.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Mission Statement
Shepherd’s Fold Ranch is a Christian Camp and Retreat Center that provides an environment to encounter the fullness of God.

A place called home.

Vision Statement
A place in the country where you can do business with God.

Guiding Principles to Honor God:
Discipleship – We will equip believers to walk in a confident relationship with God.

Christ Centered – We will keep Christ and His gospel at the center of all we do.

Stewardship – We will steward our business and finances with integrity and transparency.

Relationship – We will be identified by the strength of lifelong relationships and the communities that we build.

Service – We will always serve in a way that glorifies God.

Fun & Adventure – We will ensure that Fun and Adventure are a high priority in our programs and activities.

Unity – We will maintain a unity that reveals to people that God loves them and sent His Son to die for them.

Our Summer Camps are designed to accomplish these goals:

-Create healthy and positive experiences outdoors.
-Provide space and time for spiritual and relational growth
-Train up campers to love God and love people as they develop
-Protect the emotional, physical and spiritual safety of all guests.

A continuation of SFR’s mission to ‘train up a child’ (Proverbs 22:6). This camp is much different than Teen Camp; exclusively for 11th and 12th grade students, this camp is designed for the camper that desires to transition into being a leader. Ideally this is a two year preparation as they make the transition from camper to staff member. This is a significant mental transition for all those interested in servant leadership at SFR.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Scholarships are available for those in need. Please fill out our online application to be considered for a scholarship. Please visit: Our Camp Website Link:

Please refer here for more info about sessions available and pricing, at: Our Camp Website Link:

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Shepherds Fold Ranch

There are 3 Top Oklahoma Music Camps Below

 Check Out These *Featured Camp(s):

Camp Pillsbury


Find a great collection of custom-made shirts, hoodies, bags, swag & gear on our RedBubble page. Click on any image or the link below.

More Info

AstroBear Summer Camp
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Visit Our AstroBear Summer Camp Website
10600 N Council Road
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73162


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. 1pm-4pm, 9am-12pm

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Christian. Lutheran

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Exciting 4-week art summer camp in June for ages 5-17, including a performance and art gallery showing!

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Deaf/Hard of Hearing fully accessible! Director is former Miss Deaf Oklahoma. Also, other special needs are welcome!

Musical Theater, Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Fine Arts/Crafts, and more. ASL Drama Camp (Sign Language)
Photography Camp
Drawing/Painting Camp
Printmaking Camp

AstroBear Summer Camp is a Top Music Summer Camp located in Oklahoma City Oklahoma offering many fun and educational Music and other activities, including: Musical Theater, Theater, Fine Arts/Crafts and more. AstroBear Summer Camp is a top Music Camp for ages: 5-17.

CAMP LOCATION: St. Paul's Lutheran Church is located in NW Oklahoma City off NW Council Rd and Hefner. Very accessible off NW Expressway and Kilkpatrick Turnpike.

CAMP FACILITIES: Our church has a huge gym with outdoor courtyard for art projects and a huge stage for the Drama Camp.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Gallery show with a reception for all Art Camps on Thursday July 12th [AT]6pm
*I will submit the best art piece from each camper for the Gallery Show.
Artwork will stay on display until after church on Sunday 15th for the
church members to experience as well. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: AstroBear Sign Language Club is available year-round! Check the website link for locations:

Our Camp Website Link:

OTHER CAMP INFO: AstroBear Summer Camp at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church for Ages 5-17 offers opportunities for the campers to learn, get creative and create wonderful memories in a safe learning environment. Each week-long and small-group session include snacks and appropriate breaks to allow the campers to refuel! All supplies are included in the sessions except for the Photography Camp. Campers will need to have a phone camera or a digital camera. If you do not have one, we can supply one if we still have one available.

• Each session is $150 per camper
• 10% discount for additional sessions ($15 off per session)
• Week-long session (3 hours daily)
• For Ages 5-17 (Grades 1-12) Must be going into 1st grade in Fall 2018
• Snacks and breaks to refuel!
• All art materials provided, except for Photography Camp. Camper must bring his/her own camera (Camera Phone or Digital Camera. If your camper doesn’t have one, we can provide one if available.

ASL DRAMA CAMP (American Sign Language)
Session 1: June 4-8 (1pm-4pm)
Have fun learning the signs to the play and perform!
Performance on Friday, June 8th [AT]6pm at the church with a reception afterwards.
Perfect for family and friends to come watch your kids perform and to show you what they learned!
Play script will be sent a few weeks before for your kids to get familiar with.

Session 2: June 11-15 (9am-12pm)
Learn indoor and outdoor photography with your phone or own camera.
Includes how to learn to use studio equipment and play with lighting.
Gallery show on Thursday July 12th [AT]6pm
Campers will need to bring a camera phone or digital camera to use.

Session 3: June 18-22 (9am-12pm)
Learn how to draw and paint.
Materials provided by AstroBear.
Gallery show on Thursday July 12th [AT]6pm

Session 4: June 25-29 (9am-12pm)
Learn how to do printmaking on paper and other materials.
Materials provided by AstroBear.
Gallery show on Thursday July 12th [AT]6pm

Gallery show with a reception for all Art Camps on Thursday July 12th [AT]6pm
*I will submit the best art piece from each camper for the Gallery Show.
Artwork will stay on display until after church on Sunday 15th for the
church members to experience as well. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!

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AstroBear Summer Camp

There are 2 Top Oklahoma Music Camps Below

Summer at the Hall at Heritage Hall
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Visit Our Summer at the Hall at Heritage Hall Website
749.3001 or 936.3105
1800 N.W. 122
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73120

CAMPER AGES: Preschool - grade 12


CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Children's Diabetic Camp- Camp NoHiLo

Musical Theater, Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Fine Arts/Crafts, Computers, Math, Science, Technology, Academics, Cheerleading, Weightloss, Soccer, Golf, Basketball, Football, Baseball, Team Sports, and more.

English Review.
Algebra Review/Preview
Spanish, Grades K-6
French, Grades K-6
Chess Camp
Strength & Conditioning (male & Female, Grades 7-12)

CAMP LOCATION: Heritage Hall is located between N. Penn and N. Western on NW 122. Please visit our website at Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP FACILITIES: Heritage Hall's campus consistls of 3 gymnasiums, field house, soccer, baseball, softball, football fields, tennis courts, four academic buildings with preschool, computer labs, and theatre.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Summer at the Hall offers premier programs in academics, enrichment, and athletics for preschool through grade 12. Courses are taught by experienced and caring teachers and coaches. All summer courses are open to the community.

77 different weekly sessions are offered beginning May 27 through July 31. See website for specific dates.

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Summer at the Hall at Heritage Hall

There is 1 Top Oklahoma Music Camp Below

Oklahoma YMCA Camps
YMCA Camps in Oklahoma

10840 Main Camp Road
Davis, OK 73030

Visit the website for more information.

Oklahoma Boy Scouts Camps
All Boys Summer Camps in Oklahoma
Indian Nations Council
4295 South Garnett Road
Tulsa, OK 74146
Send email.

Oklahoma Girl Scouts Camps
Summer Camps in Oklahoma
Girl Scouts Western Oklahoma
6100 N Robinson Ave.
Oklahoma City, OK 73118
(405) 528-GIRL (X4475)
(800) 698-0022

Visit the website for more info.


OKLAHOMA MUSIC CAMP OWNERS & DIRECTORS: If you would like to submit your camp for listing in our 2025 Best Oklahoma Summer Music Camps Directory, please click on the "SUBMIT YOUR CAMP" link above.

OKLAHOMA MUSIC CAMP PARENTS & CAMPERS: If you are looking to find info on how to choose the best summer camp to attend this summer, please check out our 2025 GUIDE TO CHOOSING THE BEST SUMMER MUSIC CAMP for some great camp research tips and lots of important 2025 summer camp info.

In addition to our 2025 Oklahoma Summer Music Camps Directory we have also created quite a few SPECIAL INTEREST CAMP DIRECTORIES, and have included brief descriptions of these and links to their dedicated websites on the 2025 CAMP GUIDE page.

You can go directly to any of our other 2025 Special Interest Camp Directories from the list in the black bar at the bottom of this page.


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Special Interest Camp Directories


State-by-State Directories of
ALL Camps (

Best Academic Camps Best Overnight Camps vertical line Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California
Best Adventure Camps Best Perf. Arts Camps Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia
Best Art Camps Best Science Camps Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa
Best Band Camps Best Sleepaway Camps Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland
Best Baseball Camps Best Soccer Camps Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri
Best Basketball Camps Best Spec'l Needs Camps Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey
Best Boys Camps Best Sports Camps New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio
Best Cheer Camps Best Swim Camps Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina
Best Christian Camps Best Tech Camps South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont
Best Coed Camps Best Tennis Camps Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
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Updated: May 24, 2018

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