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On Broadway PATP
New York, New York

Visit Our On Broadway PATP Website
(347) 927-2877
Riverside Church NYC
490 Riverside Drive
New York, New York 10027

424 West 110th Street
Suite 11K
New York, New York 10025

Watch Our On Broadway PATP Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. July 10th - August 18th, 2017 (9am-5pm) Monday-Friday

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: On Broadway Performing Arts Training Program (OBPATP) is a New York City-based non-profit performing arts education organization that provides year round training in dance, music, acting, and technical theatre for children ages 4-17. Founded by Broadway veteran, Rema Webb, OBPATP believes all children should have the opportunity to experience the transformative power of the arts. Through conservatory-style training, OBPATP gives children of all backgrounds and abilities the chance to dream big, build confidence, and develop their talents in a nurturing environment.

Music/Band, Musical Theater, Theater, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, and more.

TOP NEW YORK MUSIC CAMP: On Broadway PATP is a Top Music Summer Camp located in New York New York offering many fun and enriching Music and other camp programs.

CAMP LOCATION: Our camp takes place within the Historic Riverside Church located on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. The entrance is on Claremont Avenue between 120th Street and 121st Street. Please visit our website for more information, videos, pictures and links to our social media platforms.

CAMP FACILITIES: Our Summer Camp is an AIR CONDITIONED indoor camp.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Our Mission: To engage, empower, excite, and educate young students in the performing arts. Theater educators must guide students with experience, skill, energy, patience, insight, and a sense of humor. Mentoring through education is vital to the mission statement of On Broadway: Performing Arts Training Program. Our goal is to not only teach students the principles of the performing arts in a conservatory type setting, but also help them discover truth and meaning along the way. No matter which direction they may take in life. All classes are led by theater or design professionals with years of experience in the performing arts industry.

Our Executive Director, Rema Webb, is an 18 year Broadway veteran. She is currently appearing on Broadway in The Color Purple. Her most recent credits include: A New Brain at City Center and Violet at Roundabout Theatre starring Sutton Foster. Rema appeared in NBC’s The Sound of Music Live performance starring Carrie Underwood. Additional movie credits include: The Oksana Baiul Story, Sudden Death, Beloved, and First Born.She has been a member of Disney’s The Lion King since 1999 and is an Original cast member of The Book of Mormon. Her Broadway debut was in the 1998 production of Ragtime.

Our Managing Director, Daniel Siford, has served as a director, teaching artist, artist in residence, and guest artist with theater schools, professional theatre companies, and dance companies up and down the east coast. The list includes reputable organizations such as The Rugby School, Two River Theatre Company, Act One Theater School, and Play Group Theater. Additionally, he ran summer camps for the McBurney YMCA (NYC) for three consecutive years. He spent several proud years working in various capacities at the NYC office of the American Indian College Fund. He is currently involved with creating and implementing a new training program for staff and foster parents in Family Foster Care/Therapeutic Family Foster Care programs at the largest child welfare agency in the state of New York. Danny has a bachelor’s in musical theatre and a master’s in psychology. Daniel’s engaging personality and authentic spirit has allowed him to make a difference in the lives of hundreds of children and families, his proudest accomplishment to date.

What are Master Teachers?
What makes OnBroadway-PATP special is the infusion of amazing Master Class teachers the program has available. Each On Broadway PATP program incorporates a Master Class teacher or artist. The array of Master Teachers includes Broadway Directors, renowned Playwrights, Industry professionals, and more! They are a group of folks who have devoted themselves to a life that encompasses performing arts, strength-based practices, and self-expression.

What is a Master Class?
A Master Class is a class given to students of a particular discipline by an expert of that discipline. Master classes are intertwined within all of our programs. On Broadway PATP is dedicated to providing the best Master Classes that NYC has to offer.
All of our Master Classes, which take place twice weekly are open to parents. Drop in Master Classes are available to parents and students at $40 per class.

Through mentorship and support, students are encouraged to challenge themselves and grow. On Broadway Performing Arts Training Program is the best training a kid can get for the stage and for life!

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: To qualify for financial aid/scholarship, you must submit verification of total income of your household. Please call 347.927.2877 for more information. Scholarships and financial aid opportunities are limited. Financial aid/scholarship determinations will be considered after total income of household is submitted and approved. Financial aid/scholarship amounts dispersed will be based on total income of household of applicant and availability of financial aid/scholarship. Payment plans can be implemented thereafter for remaining balances. All applicants will be considered.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Our Master Classes are open to the public. Family and friends are welcome to come witness the progress of students for a small nominal fee. These classes also allow theater aficionados to attend sessions with the Broadway elite. These sessions should not be missed.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: On Broadway PATP 2017 programming -


Payment plans can be negotiated on an individual payment plan, please reach out to rema[AT] or daniel[AT]

Six week OBPATP Summer Program = $625/week
Access to Broadway connections and resources = priceless

6 Week Summer Program
Each week includes daily instruction in all aspects of the performing arts. Daily curriculum implementation includes (all age appropriate):
Theater – Improvisation, Scene Structure, Theatre History, and Methods of Acting
Music - Music Theory, Ensemble/Solo Singing, and Rhythm
Dance - Tap, Ballet, Jazz, Modern, and Musical Theater
Theatre Arts - Production design, management, and implementation.

Summer Camp includes a Dance partnership field trip to the New Victory Theatre.

Each program will culminate with a professional performance with live musicians and state of the art design in a 220 seat theatre located in Riverside Theatre.

Only children who participate in 4 or more weeks of summer program are eligible for a leading role in summer shows. Auditions for roles will take place prior to the first day of the program. All others will be considered for ensemble roles only and welcome to participate!

Look out for more info on performances of FAME or HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL!


“Boy did you exceed my expectations! The amount of love, welcoming arms and sincerity that came from
all of the staff reassured me that I had made the right decision! You made sure every child felt safe; safe enough to take chances and put themselves out there.”

“I had such a blast today with On Broadway. The kids were open and willing to jump into anything. A beautiful space, beautiful crowd, and great performing arts teach- ers and training. Get on board cause they were a HIT!”
–Paul Canaan (Master Class Teacher), Kinky Boots on Broadway

“My favorite part is that some of the teachers are on Broadway and I can look up to them for that. And I meet new friends every day.”
–Nia Caesar (Student), Age 10

“On Broadway makes me feel very comfortable because there are students around me that have the same dreams as I do and they want to pursue it with me.”
–Max Brown (Student), Age 12

Week One will focus on preparing students for what it takes to be the best you can be at an audition. Students will learn how to choose and absorb material, and be given the opportunity to audition for program directors and a panel of other industry professionals. The audition will take place on the last day of week one in the afternoon. AM classes will include music, dance, and acting classes and PM schedule will be geared towards preparing students for audition. Audition pieces will be assigned unless otherwise agreed upon by program directors. A resume workshop will also be included in this week. This week is great as a single week or as part of the whole package.

Week Two focuses on performance based methods and techniques. Students will learn acting principles of Meisner, Stanislavsky, and Method Acting. They will participate in creative and educational music classes led by our professionally trained music director. Our accomplished dance director will challenge them on a daily basis with the fundamentals and importance of dance. A weekly invited class will take place in the afternoon on the last day of Week Two. Daily schedule will include AM classes in music, dance, and acting and PM schedule will focus on the technique of learning new material as an ensemble.

Week Three focuses on solo/group work. Whether you choose this week singly or as part of the whole program, you will not be disappointed. As well as continuing the technique training that was offered in Week One and Week Two, Week Three will focus on the importance of being able to work on your own or in a group. Individual coaching will be available this week only. Daily schedule will include AM classes in music, dance, and acting and PM schedule will focus on solo/group work.

Weeks Four, Five, and Six are special and amazing weeks that will focus on putting together a live professional production. These weeks are not available as single week programs, as to accommodate best practices for a final performance. Most of these weeks will be devoted to rehearsal and production of final performance.

Fees: $625/week or $3750 for the full On Broadway Performing Arts Training Program Summer experience.

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